Oh Baby!

Well lazy doesn’t even begin to describe our winter break, but with baby #3 on his way in February, I admit that our laziness was mostly due to my hibernation habits that I’ve acquired over the past couple of months.  With less than 6 weeks to go, I’ve finally started to make some decisions on baby boy’s room.  I love decorating, especially my kids’ rooms, but my problem always lies with my indecisiveness.  I always have too many different ideas, and can’t always seem to make them work together.  Does anyone else get this way?  Then I get frustrated, and procrastinate.  I think also since this is baby #3, the room got put on the back burner.  With 2 kids to take care of already, and a house full of other ‘in need to do’ projects, I’ve kinda been feeling like it doesn’t “need” to get done right away. That being said, it’s getting close now, so with many o’ projects in mind, we have been slowly working on bambino’s room.  There is paint on the walls! YES! Oh, and the crib we didn’t want to spend a lot of money on?  Well, let’s just say that my daily visits to Target finally paid off.  While browsing around the baby section I just happened to stumble upon a crib that someone had returned from online!  Not only that, but I scored a $250 crib for $85! I know you’re impressed. Because they don’t sell it in the stores, they can’t sell it at the same price that it is online.  Nothing wrong with it and I’m still grinning about that steal of a deal!  Never underestimate a good ole Target run.  You never know what you’re going to find.

This weekend was a busy one (for Mike).  He lugged the heavy, old dresser down 2 flights of stairs to the basement, via wheely cart..I don’t know what you call it, and sanded, primed and painted that baby. It’s nice to know we now have a place to start storing all of bambino’s things since I’ve already washed and folded all his newborn clothes.  Also, I ordered his bedding, YAY!!  It won’t be here for about a month, but if anyone is on the lookout for custom bedding, modifiedtots found on Etsy is a great place to start looking.  She has loads of fabrics to look through and choose from and I found the prices to be reasonable considering what you get for the price.  She will also help put together options if you’re having a hard time trying to decide what you like, and will keep doing it until you’re 100% happy.  I’m so excited to get the bedding.  I’m going to try to save a little mula by attempting my own changing pad covers and maybe some curtains (gulp). I do have a back up plan if my brilliant attempts end up to be just that…attempts.
 There’s still a lot in the room to get done, but for some odd reason, I’m just not in a rush…

The list:

Order bedding
Paint the dresser
Make changing pad covers
Recover the glider
bookcase of some sort
bins and baskets for storage
wall decor

Those are the main things, but since little man will be bunkin’ in our room for a while, I’m just taking my sweet time…kinda like he is doing in my belly 😉

Pics to come of the progress soon…HAPPY MONDAY!

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